Interclub Men vs Atalaya

Guadalmina played Atalaya in the annual Interclub match on October 25th at Atalaya and won 4:2. The return match was played at Guadalmina South course on the 30th, where Guadalmina won 5½:½. Total a win for Guadalmina with 9½:2½. Both matches was played with great spirit in a lovely weather and at fine courses in a super shape.

The winning Guadalmina team consisted of Kristian Bergland, John Marry, Lars Salin, José Duarte, Lennart Wiberg, Vicente Gil, Joe Llewellyn, Paco Canales, Peter Collen, James Giddings, Antonio Gil and Lars Torp (Captain).

The photo shows the Atalaya Caprain Gunnar Ottosson handing the trophy of the match to Guadalmina Captain Lars Torp, who is holding the trophy now with 21 impressing silver plates showing the result of the 21 years of these matches with 18 wins for R.G.C.Guadalmina and 3 for Atalaya.

2014 Annual Fees

Dear members:

We are pleased to inform you that  2014 annual fees have already been approved and published, also we are pleased to announce that looking to the coming year, we have maintained the same fees than in 2013


We remind you that to access the 10% fees must be paid before December 20, 2013or by Bank Order debit payments, in which case the fee will be charged in January, with the 10% early payment discount.

Electoral Rules

Guadalmina, October 2013

 Dear Members,
It is of special interest to our Board to update the Club Statutes, Internal Rules as well as to prepare some Electoral Rules.
The new Electoral Rules can be seen on the Club notice board and on our website, IN THE PRIVATE AREA ( MEMBERS NEWS)  with a copy also being available from the Club offices.
Yours sincerely,
Juan Ramón Martínez Landazábal

Interclub RCG Guadalmina vs El Paraiso


We played the annual matches Tuesday October 1st at el Paraiso and the return match at Guadalmina south course Tuesday the 8th. Guadalmina won 4:2 at el Paraiso and 4½:1½ at home – total 8½:3½. Both days were with beautiful weather, golf courses in super shape, good food nice company so what else do you need to make a perfect day? – It was the 21st year the two clubs played the match and the result is 13:8 in favor of Guadalmina. – The trophy was lost somehow but Ignacio saved us by providing a new one with 20 engraved plates in no time, which could be handed over to the Guadalmina team by the Captain from el Paraiso at the meal in Guadalmina. – Thank you Ignacio!
The winning team from Guadalmina was, Jose Duarte, Theo Ravenstein, Javier Perez de Leza, Antonio Gil Gil, Olaf Eie, Mats Liss-Daniels, Kristian Bergland, Paul Heaton, Sam Gardezi, Pedro Irujo, Hans Kaiser, Joe Llewellyn and Lars Torp (Captain).

Interclub men vs El Paríso


Interclub match mens R.C.G.Guadalmina VS el Paraiso
We played the annual matches Tuesday October 1st at el Paraiso and the return match at Guadalmina south course Tuesday the 8th. Guadalmina won 4:2 at el Paraiso and 4½:1½ at home – total 8½:3½. Both days were with beautiful weather, golf courses in super shape, good food nice company so what else do you need to make a perfect day? – It was the 21st year the two clubs played the match and the result is 13:8 in favor of Guadalmina. – The trophy was lost somehow but Ignacio saved us by providing a new one with 20 engraved plates in no time, which could be handed over to the Guadalmina team by the Captain from el Paraiso at the meal in Guadalmina. – Thank you Ignacio!
The winning team from Guadalmina was, Jose Duarte, Theo Ravenstein, Javier Perez de Leza, Antonio Gil Gil, Olaf Eie, Mats Liss-Daniels, Kristian Bergland, Paul Heaton, Sam Gardezi, Pedro Irujo, Hans Kaiser, Joe Llewellyn and Lars Torp (Captain).

Competitions on Internet

We remind to our members and visitors that thay can use the system to sign for competitions via Internet.

It  is available for major competitions as North-South, 4 Seasons, Norberto Goizueta Memorial, August Week, etc

Will NOT work for Monday, Tuesday, Thursday International, and Herlov´s Scramble.

You can still use also the lists on the boards.

To use this new system go to "FGA Flash Caddy" through the "Competitions" section on our web, and then click on "online" of the desired competition.

Winners at Lauro Golf

With a participation record of 20 children from the school and 5 winners started the 2nd phase of the Andalusian youth international circuit in the Lauro Golf course this past September 22.

Congratulations to the Veterans Antonio Cruz-Conde, Champion Boy, and Natalia Segura , Champion Girl, also we like to congratulateLaura Gomez, runner - up in Girls and Lucía Jiménez, runner-up in Cadet.

In addition, Antonio, Natalia and Laura have been the only participants par or beat or par the course with PAR two and one under par respectively.

And in her first participation in a tournament circuit, Evelina Stanikova also gets second place in category Benjamin

Andalusian Circuit Lauro Golf

With a participation record of 20 children from the school and 5 winners started the 2nd phase of the Andalusian youth international circuit in the Lauro Golf course this past September 22.

Congratulations to the Veterans Antonio Cruz-Conde, Champion Boy, and Natalia Segura , Champion Girl, also we like to congratulateLaura Gomez, runner - up in Girls and Lucía Jiménez, runner-up in Cadet.

In addition, Antonio, Natalia and Laura have been the only participants par or beat or par the course with PAR two and one under par respectively.

And in her first participation in a tournament circuit, Evelina Stanikova also gets second place in category Benjamin