Interclub men vs El Paríso


Interclub match mens R.C.G.Guadalmina VS el Paraiso
We played the annual matches Tuesday October 1st at el Paraiso and the return match at Guadalmina south course Tuesday the 8th. Guadalmina won 4:2 at el Paraiso and 4½:1½ at home – total 8½:3½. Both days were with beautiful weather, golf courses in super shape, good food nice company so what else do you need to make a perfect day? – It was the 21st year the two clubs played the match and the result is 13:8 in favor of Guadalmina. – The trophy was lost somehow but Ignacio saved us by providing a new one with 20 engraved plates in no time, which could be handed over to the Guadalmina team by the Captain from el Paraiso at the meal in Guadalmina. – Thank you Ignacio!
The winning team from Guadalmina was, Jose Duarte, Theo Ravenstein, Javier Perez de Leza, Antonio Gil Gil, Olaf Eie, Mats Liss-Daniels, Kristian Bergland, Paul Heaton, Sam Gardezi, Pedro Irujo, Hans Kaiser, Joe Llewellyn and Lars Torp (Captain).

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