Interclub Men vs Atalaya

Guadalmina played Atalaya in the annual Interclub match on October 25th at Atalaya and won 4:2. The return match was played at Guadalmina South course on the 30th, where Guadalmina won 5½:½. Total a win for Guadalmina with 9½:2½. Both matches was played with great spirit in a lovely weather and at fine courses in a super shape.

The winning Guadalmina team consisted of Kristian Bergland, John Marry, Lars Salin, José Duarte, Lennart Wiberg, Vicente Gil, Joe Llewellyn, Paco Canales, Peter Collen, James Giddings, Antonio Gil and Lars Torp (Captain).

The photo shows the Atalaya Caprain Gunnar Ottosson handing the trophy of the match to Guadalmina Captain Lars Torp, who is holding the trophy now with 21 impressing silver plates showing the result of the 21 years of these matches with 18 wins for R.G.C.Guadalmina and 3 for Atalaya.
