Starting next Monday July 1st , until July 31st , we will bring you our  INCREDIBLE SALES  in textiles, polos, skirts, trousers and Bermudas,.

Therefore you will have the entire month to buy, but remember…. we already know that the best deals will end soon.

This year we have introduced the system 1,2,3.

what does it mean?  SIMPLE.

Same discounted item may have up to three different prices, depending on the number of items that you purchase, you can see an example with one Shirt marked for 60 €, its price varies if you only buy this Shirt, for an amount of € 49.99, represents a 20% discount, but if you add two more items, your price will be € 29.99, representing in this case 50% discount. EASY!.

The system allows several Members to buy items together, benefiting from the maximum discount.

The prices marked will always be € 29.99, € 39.99 and € 49.99, so GO AND FIND  the best purchase by combining, among your favorites, items that give you the largest  discount.

In shoes  we have decided to offer the maximum discount 50% in a selection of models, all sizes will not be available

Returns of items purchased within the period of rebates are not allowed, and the additional 10% discount of the partners will not be applicable either.

We hope you enjoy the sales, and please  take the opportunity to see the new summer collections.