Intyerclub Gentlemen R.C. G. Guadalmina vs San Roque

On the 11th and 19th February R.C.G Guadalmina and San Roque Golf Club played the annual Interclub matches at Guadalmina South Course and San Roque Old Course. Both days were played in fine weather but on rather wet courses. Guadalmina won at Guadalmina 4:2 and at San Roque 3½:2½ – a total of 7½:4½. The winning team from Guadalmina consisted of the following players: Lars Torp (Captain), Antonio Gil Gil, Jose Duarte, Aurelio Lora, Olaf Eie, Ronan Maguire, Joe Llewellyn, Sam Gardezi, Claes Forsgardh, Paul Heaton, Matz Liss-Daniels, Michael Canty and Peter Cullen.

It is the 16th year the two Clubs played this match and the updated result is 9½ wins for Guadalmina and 6½ for San Roque.

The photograph shows the San Roque Captain, Jim Goold handing the trophy to the smiling Guadalmina Captain, Lars Torp.

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