International Andalusian Competition

Yesterday during the  Campeonato Internacional Bejamin, Alevín Infantil y Cadete de Andalucía Felipe Barrena almost made it,  hi finnished only one shot behind the leader, in the last hole after 36 he missed a birdie put, after three maginificient shots from tee to green, he faced the put, very calmed, and almost holed in, it looked like the Open, emotion , suspens, and a big round of aplause, Congratulations Felipe for your runner up.
We would like also to congratulate Lucía Jiménez in third position, with the same score than the runner up, and Christopher Bailey and Alejandra Sánchez, who ended in the top five.
You may found all result in the attached link.

logo sin fechas.JPGCpto Internacional Andalucia Almerimar.pdfCpto Internacional Andalucia Almerimar.pdf