Interclub R.C.G. Guadlamina vs El Parador

We played on Saturday 6th April against el Parador Golf Club at home on our South Course. It was a beautiful day and our team managed to win 3½:2½. We were not sure that it was enough, which proved to be right. The return-match was played Sunday the 14th at the Parador in the most perfect conditions with bright sunshine. In a no "wind at all day" it was breath taking at the Parador course at seaside. – In spite of the (for us) bad result 5:1 for the Parador club team, we had a wonderful day with nice company, a course in a great shape, nice food and everything other than the result was fantastic. – The only Guadalmina players who made a win was two of the "corner stones" in our team, Olaf Eie and Paco Guerrero. The two clubs have played this competition for now 10 years with a total of 7 wins for Guadalmina and 3 for the Parador.

The photograph shows the two teams at the nice lunch table at the Parador.