Interclub R.C.G. Guadalmina vs La Quinta

Our team played on the 3rd April the return match at Guadalmina north.

Guadalmina won the match 4½ : 1½. However as la Quinta won the match at la Quinta 5:1 they won the all over 6½ – 5½. For Guadalmina played Paco Guerrero. Herlov Langgard, Miguel Gutierez, Kristian Bergland, Lennart Wiberg, Hans Ahlbom, Hans Kaiser, Peter Cullen, Antonio Gil Gil, Olaf Eie, Mats Liss-Daniels, Jose Duarte and Lars Torp. It was the 13th year the two teams competed. The accumulated result is 7½ wins to Guadalmina contra 4½.

However the matches lately has been very tight with wins to Guadalmina 2010 and 2012 and to la Quinta 2011 and now 2013. The match this year was as tight as can be. In fact as Captain for Guadalmina I am sorry to admit that I could have changed the result completely. By tee off on the 18th hole my match was even. On the green I had a birdie pot for a win. I missed the birdie but got the par for a share. – With that birdie the all over result would have been 6:6 and the trophy would have stayed at Guadalmina since we had it from 2012. Of course many shuts or puts could have been different with 24 players over 2 rounds – but it was in my hands at that point of time

– sorry guys!

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