Interclub R.C.G. Guadalmina vs El Parador

Guadalmina beat El Parador 8 : 4  playing 1st of April away and 5th of April home. The Parador course was in perfect condition after the Andalucian Open the week before, but with very tricky greens, as one could see on TV. It was therefore a good effort by Guadalmina to win away 4,5 : 1,5.

The team consisted of  Matti Pohjola, Olaf Eie, John Marry, Peter Cullen, Angel Ibanez, Joe Llewellyn, Salvador Tamayo, Antonio Guerrero, Antonio Vera, Juan Jimenes, Hans Kaiser, Paco Guerrero, Dan Mørn.

>The picture shows Peter Cullen and John Marry holding the trophy, which Guadalmina has won 7 out of 8 times.

logo sin fechas.JPGel parador 2011.pdfel parador 2011.pdf