Guadalmina hosts an special Pequecircuito

More than 70 new and not-so-new Andalusian golf talent gathered in our P & P course last Sunday.


The spectacular atmosphere was undoubtedly the great protagonist of the day, full of smiles and joy of the little ones, who once again gave us a lesson in sportsmanship and fellowship.


On the other hand, it is noteworthy that we achieved the highest participation (7) in a long time, thanks to the work of teachers and our dear Fernando Ramirez, who week after week encourage and inculcate values to our children.


In addition, 4 of them were awarded; 3rd place for Javier Rodríguez del Molino in special category, 3rd in Alevines for his sister Julieta, 3º Jaime Macias (benjamines <8 years) and 4ª Anna Maguire (benjamines <8 years).


How great you all are!


Thanks to the Royal Andalusia Federation for relying on our Club once again and its Children's Committee and Patricia Jiménez for their impeccable organization.



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