DATE: 04/23/24

ATTENDEES: Leona Poelstra, Cristian Reynders, Ignacio del Cuvillo, Jose Luis Prado, and Juan Ignacio Egaña

GREETING: JIE thanks the new members for joining CCCC, confident that it has been a wise choice given their exceptional professional profiles and personal attitude.

READING OF THE PREVIOUS MINUTES: The previous minutes were reviewed and approved point by point.

STATE OF THE COURSES: In general, the condition of the field is very good thanks to the successful treatments carried out by the maintenance team, the protection of damaged areas before the rain, and the reseeding that was done.

**SOUTH COURSE: Rosaleen Cunningham, Board Member, has produce a photographic (including text) report of the damaged areas from hole 10 to 18 and incorporated it into the continuous improvement system to which JLP will respond fully.

Leona will shortly add the report from hole 1 to 9 to the system, but in general, she considers that the bunkers are lacking sand or the sand is very compacted and have quite a few stones that need to be removed.

*JLP reports that aeration of the bunkers has been incorporated into the maintenance routine every 15 days with a new element that can be attached to the tractor for aerating the bunkers.

Leona will assess the result. LP suggests, given the importance of hole one, improving the decoration with flowers and other ornaments around the entire tee-off area with special attention to the right side and back of the starter’s hut. LP and JLP will propose a project. LP requests a bathroom in the vicinity of the hotel.

IdC commits to make his best efforts to meet the demand at an upcoming meeting with the hotel.

**NORTH COURSE: In general, the north course has improved a lot but Christian believes it can improve further, especially with better definition between the rough and fairways.

*Requests a container with a capacity of half a kg of sand with a screw top and wide mouth for players who carry the bag on their shoulder.

IdC will see what is available in the market.

On hole six of the south field, a casuarina was planted where there was a group of wild olive trees.

The substitution of the casuarina with a wild olive tree, preferably of significant size.

Is approved. JLP Cristian will study with JLP our annual water consumption and future options to address potential crisis situations.

*PARS THREE COURSE: Carlos Costantini has reviewed the par threes and confirms the good condition of the field including the greens. The bathroom must be painted or varnished because it is in a lamentable state and there are two broken drain covers that must be replaced.


CURBS: JLP has calculated the need to incorporate 3.5 km of curbs to protect the edges of the paths. There are basically two systems for incorporating curbs on concrete paths: prefabricated curbs or those made on-site. All members consider the latter to be better because they allow better anchorage to the existing path. Three quotes have been requested; on-site fabrication is more expensive, but we consider it preferable to do less but well and to adapt to the budget that the JD will approve.

  • H17N BRIDGE: Lacks stone cladding, to be completed in April.
  • H1/2N PASSAGE: Present budget at the next JD
  • GREEN H15S: Recovery of the original perimeter planned for May.
  • TEES: Renewal planned according to maintenance schedules.
  • BUNKERS: Same as above.
  • AERATION NORTH: May 6 to 12
  • AERATION SOUTH: May 20 to 26
  • VARIOUS PRUNING: Being done as planned
  • PATH 16S: Present budget at JD
  • H10N and H11S: Renew railing with new materials ROUNDABOUT H17 behind the tee-off area



CLOCKS to measure machinery usage times TDR moisture meter.

RESEEDING by an external company.


MACHINERY: We will discuss with management the replacement of various machinery JIE


*We must take advantage of the spring and continue with greater intensity the action plans agreed upon at the last meeting with the goal of having a uniform, green, and clean field and greater grass density. JLP will study if any special action is needed, especially on the antegreens.