Results Le Club Tour

Dear Members,


We have attached the reslts of the Le Club Tour 2020, we are happy to let you know that the first and the second in every category, will be travelling to Montecastillo Golf Resort on the 19th of December to play the national final.


!Thank you to all our members and we look forward to see you playing the SEMANA GRANDE 2021¡


Competition Committee

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina

Tee time reservation system

Dear Members;

In the attached information you can observe, the simple necessary steps, to book a tee time

Like previously, ON LINE BOOKINGS starts at 07:45, seven days in advance, until the same day of the game.

As you can see, it is very simple and intuitive; we strongly recommend you to change your password after accessing the first time.

In the near future, we expect that will also be able to register in tournaments by using this system, but until that moment, we will continue with the procedure  we have used up to now, through the website.


Dear Members:

We inform you that as from Monday July 6th  to September 15th , the opening hours, of the  Club Secretary and Administration Office, will be from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 15:00


We also remind you that due to the application of the preventive measurements, as long as the COVID19 crisis is  not controlled , we kindly  ask Members to access the offices with the protective mask

Real Club de Golf Guadalmina

Board of Directors

Resl Club de Golf Guadalmina Captain´s suporting message

Dear Members'


It has now been many weeks that we have not been able to enjoy each others company at our beloved Golf Club.  

I have spent a lot of time thinking about you all, and wanted to say that I hope that you and your loved ones are all keeping safe and well.  

I pray that it will not be too long before we are all back together again to enjoy the companionship and the sport we love.


Gary Compson


Interclubs Correspondece agreements 2020 REAL CLUB PINEDA

Dear Members;

In the present information you will be able to obtain information about the correspondences with other Clubs  of the Real Club de Golf Guadlamina,

The Real Club Pineda de Sevilla and our Club have signed an agreement, so that our Members can enjoy a special discount on the Green Fee when they visit Seville.

In the additional information you can find

LINKS To each Club